
Jan 30, 2006 16:08

I usually dont mind the Portland rain, but last night and tonight, it is completely screwing a film shoot. Rescheduling shoot days when only about half the production is "in the can" is a royal pain. Especially when cast/crew have other obligations. On the plus side, i am really confident in what we managed to shoot. I cant wait to see the dailies.

After spending all weekend doing what i really enjoy, even this pretty tolerable, sometimes fun job is causing me to feel great apathy. Being completely exhausted doesnt help. Since i cant usually sleep the night before a shoot, i stayed up til around 3:30 or so on Friday, figuring i might as well have fun rather than lay there and stare at my ceiling for hours. I woke up early the next day since i was just anxious to get started. I maintained this schedule all weekend and now that tonight's pickups are cancelled (much to my chagrin) i may be able to get a good night's sleep.

Damn, now i look out the window to see the sun shining. If it doesnt rain tonight, after the shoot being cancelled *because* of rain, i'll be pissed.

I want to plan another New York trip soon. Seeing friends will be nice, but i also want to follow up on some potential advice given last weekend after a video shoot. Hrm.

I really should go grocery shopping. I really should see a doctor about my sore wrists. I really should start looking for an apartment again. I really should get a hair cut. I really should go see Match Point. i really should go see Munich. I really should go see Squid and the Whale. I really should rent Crash- not because im that interested in it, but because "the Academy" is surely going to be interested, and that makes it slightly interesting. i really should write some emails to people i have been neglecting.

Maybe I'll go on a Friend Adding Spree since work has slowed down a bit....
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