Mar 03, 2015 23:45

Asian Entertainment oriented, but it ain't all I'm about.

April 1st, 1990. 21 years old.

Just trying to get by, lately. I can speak Italian, English, some Spanish and Japanese. Been studying some Korean, too. And I have to try harder at all of them.

Music is what I'm trying to make my life revolve around. I like to think I'm an artistic kind of person, because really, nothing makes as sense as nonsense does. I am bipolar moody and really difficult to handle, and I tend to get annoying and clingy when I become attached to somebody.

I'm quiet, but I get really babbly if you get me started. Witty and ironic remarks are my daily bread, and I do come off as annoying 90% of the time. I notice it myself but can't help it. Sorry.

I love to travel, I'd go everywhere if I could.

I'm currently trying to decide where I'm heading next, after coming back from Japan at the end of March. I'm at a point where I have no idea what I should do from here on.

Also, if you, for some weird-ass reason, hate k-pop (or any other music genre, really), you can close this window. :D There's no hating in music, at least not for me.

So if you think you can handle me;

Feel free to add me. I don't bite, really.
Just comment before doing so, thank you. ♥

And please, speak one language at a time.



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