Apr 09, 2004 01:27
Santa Cruz, the place that dreams are made of. Aside from the hundreds of dollars worth of booze I consumed over the last 3 days many good things happened. First and foremost I got to hang out with Lauren for not long enough, but who can really complain. We saw each other at my brother's place on Tuesday, then I went to find her on Thursday. Sat in on this class of hers about feminism and marxism and wives and children and too much for me to try to explain to you, read the book... bitches.
Then there was seeing Kenton and associations. That shit was entertaining as always. After going to Kenton's Contemporary American Literature class which was taught by this hella smart, hella funny professor we started drinking and smoking vaporizor rips out of a 4 foot glass bong. Saw Mike, Maya, Charlie, Libby, Pete, Phil, Rich. Then once thoroughly hindered I did something I have never ever done before, I'll tell you about it sometime. Slept outside Wednesday night and smoked a lot of pot and hash out of the hookah these two female people brought there Jessica and _______ were there names.
There was also that hockey game that I can barely remember, but that's neither here nor there.
Tonight I went to the Buck 65 show in Cafe Du Nord in San Francisco. That guy is not only a talented WHITE rapper (that's right, I need to emphasize that he's white, because rapper would automatically make you assume he's black... he's also way more than a dollar 15 better than 50cent, even with the canadian exchange rate) but he's hilarious, too. Definately check that guy's shit out. Also, I'd like to reiterate, SPRING BREAK FOREVER, bitches. Oh yes, and I'm cool enough to go to someone else's class while my school is on Spring Break... I'm not above that shit.
In closing, I would like to say "Be good to each other." Especially tomorrow, but especially everyday. Also, A Perfect Circle/Mars Volta was hella fucking awesome.
Et cetera.