Fic: Dragons and Phoenixes 2/3

Jun 09, 2007 02:49

Title: Dragons and Phoenixes - Part Two
Author: Xocoatldreams
Fandom: BtVS
Pairings/Characters: Xander/Andrew/Spike
Ratings: NC-17 overall PG this chapter
Spoilers: Season 7
Warnings: Slash, slash, more slash, some biting (come on, it's Spike)
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the BtVS-verse, I just like playing with the pretty boys
A/N: Written for spring_with_xan
A/N2: The third part is yet to be written and I doubt I will have it completed today, so for those who want to read it when it's finally done, just keep an eye on my journal
Previous Parts Here

Part Two

rating: adult, pairing: andrew/spike/xander, creator: xocoatldreams, media: fic

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