PET - A Spike/Xander Fanmix

Mar 25, 2007 18:12

Put together for my day at
spring_with_xan.  I was also working on a fic for today, but unfortunately wasn't able to finish it on time.  All twelve songs are sort of dark because that's just the way I imagine the Spander relationship. Sort of dark - but loving when and where it counts. I had all of my favorite Spike and Xander fics and cliches in mind while putting this mix together (maybe knowing that will help other Spander fans see where I was coming from with these songs?). Hope you enjoy. Feedback is love. Also, please be aware that there is no zip thanks to my slow-as-snail internet connection, that I own nothing, that there may be a few very minor spoilers within the song explanations and that some (most?) of these songs are riddled with profanity.

Instructions: Click on the arrows/underlined song titles.  They'll take you to sendspace, where you can download the songs! ^_^


001 Until the End - Breaking Benjamin >>

Why give up, why give in

It's not enough, it never is
But I will go on until the end

Xander's song.  Basically about his feelings when it comes to fighting evil and being the Zeppo of the Scoobies.

002 Better of Two Evils - Marilyn Manson >>

Haters call me bitch
Call me faggot, call me whitey
But I am something that you'll never be

Motherfuckers never liked me then and they
Sure won't like me now...

I'll be your scapegoat, I'll be your savior
I'm the better of two evils

Spike's song.  What do Spike and the Scoobies do?  They fight evil.  Spike's evil, too.  But he's always the better of two evils.

003 You're Mine - Sinomatic >>

Tell me all your thoughts
Show me what you feel...

You're mine
Maybe you should learn.

Xander belongs to Spike.

004 I Love You - The Dandy Warhols >>

I love you
I love you
I love you

Spike loves Xander.  Xander loves Spike.

005 Beautiful - The Smashing Pumpkins >>

Beautiful, you're beautiful, as beautiful as the sun
Wonderful, you're wonderful, as wonderful as they come...

And I love you, as you love me...

And I'm sure you know me well, as I'm sure you don't
But you just can't tell
Who you'll love and who you won't

Spike thinks Xander is beautiful.

006 Closer - Nine Inch Nails >>

You let me complicate you

Help me
I've got no soul to sell

I wanna feel you from the inside
I wanna fuck you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to God

Guess what Spike would like to do to Xander?

007 Tainted Love - Marilyn Manson >>

This tainted love you've given
I give you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and that's not nearly all

Don't touch me please
I cannot stand the way you tease
I love you though you hurt me so

Touch me baby, tainted love

Vampire and Hunter.  Evil and good.  These two have a tainted love.

008 Bloodsport - Sneaker Pimps >>

My mother never told me
Love is just a bloodsport

Sex and love is not a game
A game is something you can win
And maybe something kind of fun
Cause love is just a bloodsport son

When it comes to these guys, love is literally a bloodsport.

009 Drag You Down - Finger Eleven >>

Pull me under before I try to drag you down
Someone has to pull me under before
I try to drag you down

Spike will drag Xander 'down' with him (isolate him from his friends, take him away from Sunnydale, perhaps even eventually turn him...) if that's what it takes to keep him.

010 Need You Like a Drug - Zeromancer >>

Need you like a drug...

Don't ever want to be like you...

Nothing can can touch you
Nothing can hurt you
Nothing can change you

When we kiss...

Xander needs Spike like a...

011 Dragula - Rob Zombie >>

Dead I am the one, exterminating son...

While they slowly turn, conquering the wyrm...

Do it baby, do it baby

Dig through the ditches,
Burn through the witches

A 'Xander and Spike fight/hunt bad things together' theme song.

012 Pet - A Perfect Circle >>

Lay your head down child
I won't let the boogeymen come

Pay no mind to what other voices say
They don't care about you, like I do (like I do)
Safe from pain, and truth, and choice, and other poison devils
See, they don't give a fuck about you, like I do

Just stay with me,
safe and ignorant...

I'll be the one to protect you from
Your enemies and all your demons...

Stay with me
Safe and ignorant
Just stay with me
I'll hold you and protect you from the other ones
The evil ones, don't love you son
Go back to sleep

No one cares about Xander like Spike does...

Bonus/Hidden Tracks:

Rest In Peace - Spike aka James Marsters

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Theme - Nerf Herder

creator: hari_kari, pairing: spike/xander, media: fanmix

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