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Comments 15

skargasm April 19 2011, 11:40:27 UTC
OMG I want ALL of them!!! His lips in the first one - drool, yummy!!! And hunger indeed - these are gorgeous!


katekat1010 April 19 2011, 17:13:08 UTC
thanks so much sweetie!

and yeah, the photoshoot that the first one comes from is just GAHGUH worthy all around :D


skargasm April 19 2011, 19:39:35 UTC
Are any of them snaggable?? I am thinking of a Giles/Xander fic for summer_of_Giles and love your image...


katekat1010 April 19 2011, 20:09:54 UTC
snag away! if you want to i can (or you can if you do graphics too) customize it with title and stuff too - just let me know!


schnuffie April 19 2011, 13:38:54 UTC

... )


katekat1010 April 19 2011, 17:13:18 UTC
* squishes you to pieces *


Mmmmmmmm... iadorespike April 19 2011, 19:29:10 UTC
You do such beautiful work....these are all gorgeous. ♥

Thanks so much for sharing!



Re: Mmmmmmmm... katekat1010 April 19 2011, 20:10:15 UTC
awww thank you darling!!! thanks so much for the lovely feedback!


moscow_watcher April 19 2011, 21:40:24 UTC
Yummmm... Gorgeous!


katekat1010 April 19 2011, 21:57:42 UTC
Thank you darling!!!


sparrow2000 April 20 2011, 00:22:18 UTC
As always, you blow me away with your talent. These are so beautiful. I've always adored the photo shoot for the first one - he just looks straight at you - shivers happily. But they are all gorgeous.


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