Couple of Xander-only graphics

Apr 13, 2011 20:43

*waves* hi all! happy Spring with Xan! I whipped up just two graphics below (so far, though I hope to do more). I use graphics this size for fic & music covers in itunes, but they also work as banners and other stuff :D Hope you like!


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pairing: none, media: banners, media: icons, creator: katekat1010, rating: all audiences

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Comments 13

thismaz April 14 2011, 05:08:43 UTC
I especially like that second one. There is something imminent in his expression that works really well with the gap he is looking (coming?) through. A sort of questioning threat. *g* I really like that typeface, too.


katekat1010 April 14 2011, 05:39:18 UTC
Thank you so much for the fantastic feedback! I'm so glad you like the vampire-Xander one - I completely agree with you about his expression.


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katekat1010 April 14 2011, 07:46:19 UTC
thanks so much sweetie!! so glad you like! i agree with you about vampire!xander - he is totally hot.


il_mio_capitano April 14 2011, 08:08:48 UTC
Great work. I favour the first but only because I could fall into those eyes and never come out. :)


katekat1010 April 15 2011, 00:05:30 UTC
thank you lady - and that is so why I chose that pic!


moscow_watcher April 14 2011, 08:55:17 UTC
Gorgeous! *licks them*


katekat1010 April 15 2011, 00:05:53 UTC
thanks darling!!


skargasm April 14 2011, 12:15:35 UTC
Very hard to choose - I think Vamp!Xander is my favourite - I think. Both are lovely,


katekat1010 April 15 2011, 00:06:18 UTC
thank you sweetie - i'm so glad you like 'em both! :D


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