A last set of 'Gander' drabbles...
Title: Sitting & Struggling
Fandom: BtVS
Team: Ice
Challenge: 18 ~ Secrets
Rating: M
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Other Info
Throughout the night of research, he struggled. Buffy gave him odd looks and Willow got exasperated with him, believing he lacked the ability to apply himself to the task at hand. If only she knew - although, maybe not. The thought of the look on her face was overshadowed by the freakout that he knew would occur. No - better to leave things the way they were, keep things a secret. He looked over at Giles, the twinkle in the man's eyes confirming he knew just how much Xander was struggling to sit still with the butt plug up his ass....
Title: Watching & Waiting....
Fandom: BtVS
Bonus: Lies, Deceit, Arrogance
Team: Ice
Challenge: 18 ~ Secrets
Rating: K+
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Other Info
He hated keeping it secret. Couldn't abide the lies and deceit. Oh the reasoning behind it was sound - Buffy would be 'wigged' as Xander described it and no doubt Willow's whole world would tilt off it's axis but it went against his very nature. The arrogance of youth to think that they were the only ones entitled to have someone. Scowling as the threesome left, the only thing that kept him from saying something was knowing that the young man would hurry back. With that in mind, he moved towards the bedroom. Naked and waiting had been Xander's request....
Title: Tired of Lying
Fandom: BtVS
Bonus: Lies, Deceit
Team: Ice
Challenge: 18 ~ Secrets
Rating: K+
Warnings: n/a
Summary/Other Info
“Nothing doing, Will, I'm fine.”
“But Xander, I hate to think of you all alone - it makes me feel sort of sad and worried.”
“Wills - how do you know I don't have to red-hot secret lover that I'm rushing to meet after I see you back to the dorms?”
“Oh Xander!! There's no way you would lie like that - after everything with Oz and Cordelia, that sort of deceit just isn't in you. And besides, why would you want to keep someone a secret from me - what, you think I wouldn't approve?” A stunned silence. “Xander?”