What the Slayer Saw/Open Door ~ NC17 ~ Giles/Xander

Apr 09, 2011 05:23

Oooh, I get to do the first post for spring_with_xan - how exciting!! Just a couple of drabbles to start with...

Title: What the Slayer Saw......
Author: skargasm
Fandom: Buffyverse
Word count: 300 words
Rating: NC17
Pairing(s): Giles/Xander
Beta(s): Unbeta'd but proofread
Prompt(s): slashthedrabble prompt # 288 ~ Spy
Disclaimer: Joss owns 'em, I just dirty 'em up and give 'em back ( Read more... )

rating: adult, pairing: giles/xander, creator: skargasm, media: drabble

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Comments 2

sparrow2000 April 10 2011, 19:03:11 UTC
Hmmm, now if the girls would just budge up a bit I could get really comfortable and enjoy the view! *g*


skargasm April 10 2011, 19:32:33 UTC
Hee hee, they are selfish sods - a video camera would be so handy too...


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