Open for 2011!!! A New Approach!

Apr 04, 2011 19:05

Welcome to the 2011 season of spring_with_xan!!

{info} l {join} l { affiliate}

We're trying something different this season. Instead of sign-ups or assigned days, the community is open to all members from today until May 31, 2011!

Everyone is welcome to post any Xander-related content during this time!

My fellow mod, reremouse, and myself apologize for this different approach and our recent radio silence. We've both been moving to different fandoms but are reluctant to say good-bye to BtVS and our beloved Xander. So we thought we'd have one last fun free-for-all Xander fest before we pass over the community (more on that later).

Please note that you need to join to post, but it should be all ready for all members to post any time! Also, please ensure to consult the profile page for community rules.

!mod post 2011

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