Free-for-all Day and Good-bye Spring with Xan!

Jun 01, 2010 12:13

Wow, can you believe that it's already the last day of the spring_with_xan season! Time is just zooming by!! Today's a Free-for-all day which means that everyone is welcome to share Xandery goodness!

This won't be the last post from me, as I'll let you know all know when I've got a completed Masterlist so you can catch up on any of the great contributions you may have missed!

Thanks from reremouse and myself to all of you for making this another fantastic season of spring_with_xan. It's wonderful to see such love for Xander! ♥

I thought it would be fun for us to share our favourite Xander icons (Xander-centric, friendship or pairings). I love these icons that katekat1010 made for the community - I'm using one now for this post! In the comments I'll share a few more of my favourite Xander icons!

!mod post 2010

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