5 more posters (for 4 fics)

May 23, 2010 15:04

This is my last post for the day (but not to worry, more tomorrow!).  Thank you everyone for the fantastic feedback!  I hope you like these as much as you did my first ones.  Oh, and if you do read the fics, don't forget to let the authors know you liked!

this way for pretty pictures and links )

media: graphics, creator: katekat1010, rating: all audiences

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Comments 27

mulder200 May 23 2010, 22:35:55 UTC
Fantastic as always, dear!


katekat1010 May 24 2010, 17:20:05 UTC
Thank you so much darlin! and for the lovely feedback to both entries!


savoytruffle May 23 2010, 22:44:54 UTC
oh, man, love those first two fics and i love their posters.


katekat1010 May 24 2010, 17:20:31 UTC
right? it's so hard to do justice, but yay!! i'm glad you like lady!!


witchway May 23 2010, 22:56:16 UTC
I see some things I am VERY VERY MUCH going to read.....


katekat1010 May 24 2010, 17:20:57 UTC
awww yay!! i can definitely say you'll have a GREAT time!! &hearts


electricalgwen May 23 2010, 23:04:15 UTC
Mmmm, more loveliness! I like the starkness of the first couple.


katekat1010 May 24 2010, 17:21:32 UTC
Thank you darling!! The first ones are my favorites - it's kind of fun to be minimal sometimes too ;)


slaymesoftly May 23 2010, 23:50:43 UTC
Just as awesome as the first set. :)


katekat1010 May 24 2010, 17:22:03 UTC
awww thank you sweetheart!!


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