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Comments 7

brunettepet April 25 2010, 15:23:12 UTC
What a great idea. Xander had a lot of down and dark moments in Season 6 and 7 and I like how you captured them here,


heuradys May 2 2010, 00:00:48 UTC
Thank you! Yeah, he really did.


strickens_girl April 26 2010, 04:09:33 UTC
Took a couple. Will credit when used. Lovely work. I really like the last few. Such a beautiful moment.


heuradys May 2 2010, 00:02:34 UTC
Thanks so much.


(The comment has been removed)

Here you go! heuradys May 1 2010, 23:20:42 UTC

... )


cordelianne April 26 2010, 19:39:13 UTC
It's interesting how icons of Xander's hands show the movement from the funnier Xander stuff (playing cards and almost throwing up Doublemeat food) to the darker things he does and the darker things in the season. The one with his hand against his cheek in "Grave" is a especially moving.


heuradys May 2 2010, 00:12:04 UTC
It's a pretty steep downward slope for him in this batch, poor guy.


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