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Comments 6

iadorespike April 25 2010, 00:57:20 UTC
Wonderful! I'm really enjoying these. Thanks so much!



heuradys May 1 2010, 23:58:38 UTC
No, thank *you*!


emilygoober April 25 2010, 08:36:08 UTC
this is really cool.. i love it when people focus in on character in a way that makes you see them in a different way. i think hands are super expressive so i feel like just by scanning these i see all of xander. plus theyre hot. loved this.


heuradys May 1 2010, 23:55:03 UTC
Thank you! I'm so very glad you enjoyed them!


cordelianne April 26 2010, 19:30:38 UTC
It's interesting how Xander's hands are very expressive in the Once More With Feeling ones, especially the ones with and after the donut. I love the ones where he's praying! :D


heuradys May 1 2010, 23:58:05 UTC
The donut taunts me with its powdery goodness. And he's so delightfully hammy with the prayer. *g*


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