
Oct 05, 2006 11:36


I notice that no one has updated since the bondi beach thing (which was so fun, but so tiring). Coming back to uni has been especially exhausting after a very relaxing two week break... now all I have to do is trudge through eight more weeks of 8 o'clock starts and all work but no play (to save money for my trip) and pass the goddamn exam. Well, it could be worse! I could have dropped out and found a full time dead end fastfood/retail related occupation and be slaving away for meagre earnings rather than adding to the HECS pile.

In any case, the weather has been too lovely to be sad and depressed, what with all this sun shine and blue sky and mildly cool breeze... right now, we are studying cardiovascular system for our Health Maintenance course, and it's pretty interesting so far. Not gripping stuff, but hey, I'm still awake after three straight lectures aren't I (except that brief period in epidemiology lecture)... the old man this morning being the highlight - he kept drawing these little love hearts!

Yesterday we had our blood pressure tutorial where we went to St Vincents (so old and lovely and alicia reckons it's haunted) and the old lady there was sooooo sleep inducing, but she lent us her stethoscope, so she was nice. Yeah, so we learnt how to measure blood pressure, albeit very badly in my case (let's just say the results I got where a little different from the ones the automatic machine spewed out).

good luck everyone for exams and other shite,


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