Title: What a picture is worth
Recipient's name:
kish_t_rethyaRating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Inui/Fuji, with hints of Atobe/Ryoma, Tezuka/Ryoma and Fuji/Eiji
Disclaimer: please use the standard disclaimer!
Warnings: Bad puns and gratuitous sexual innuendo.
Author's Notes: I love your fic Kish, as many of us do, so I really hope you enjoy this ♥. Thank you to my
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Comments 24
YES YES YES. GAh, you had these two down PAT and the interaction was so PERFECT and flirty and geeky and sdlkjfskldf I'M IN LOVE. *_________________* Oh BOYS.
GREAT JOB, anon-san!!!! lakjsl;djflk
Just - you know that you pwned this. You did it. ♥♥♥♥
You already know how absolutely BRILLIANT I think this is. You Fuji is wonderful, as canon and IC as it's possible to get, and your Inui is awesome as well. This:
Inui had brought his usual essential data collection equipment: a notebook, two pencils, a green gel pen (which wrote very nicely), a stop-watch, a pair of infrared binoculars that he'd procured from Somewhere, a Swiss Army Knife with seven more attachments than standard, and a compact flashlight. He was appropriately dressed for the occasion too, in a black cap and a pair of cargo pants that were now slightly too short in the leg, although he'd stopped short at face paint.
I DIE. SO HARD. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh Inui. And they're such BOYS and the apple pie bit is cute as anything and alkjsdfhas I could go on forever. I really, really love the used of Fuji's photography. Fantastic job!! ♥
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