Title: Fuji's Guide to Falling
Recipient's name: Maxine-chan (
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Implied Fuji/Mizuki/Yuuta, emphasis on the YuuMi. Overall this is mostly platonic; the 'cest-squeamish need not fear.
Disclaimer: One-line reference to a character from another series (listing which would spoil the surprise). At any rate, I don't own that
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"I'm sorry, do I know you?" his brother asked, his face the epitome of apologetic innocence.
Here we go again, thought Yuuta.
"...I'm not falling for that again, Fuji-kun. You know precisely who I am. Don't try to fake it."
Yuuta nearly facepalmed upon hearing his brother's response: "Mitsuwa?" to which Mizuki narrowed his eyes at them both (as if this were Yuuta's fault) and supplied a correction.
"It's Mizuki."
"Oh. Right. Misuki."
asldjhflkasdfasdfhlk. *DIES* Hah, okay, maybe I WILL keysmash but akldjaskd omg I have RIDICULOUS AMOUNTS OF LOVE for Fuji pretending to forget Mizuki's name. It NEVER gets old. Never. SO GREAT.
And of course, this:
The first stop on his list: Daikoku Junior High, the school which years ago produced the all-rounder Yagami.
I love you. Seriously. That made me laugh so hard.
I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed this. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING IT FOR ME!! Ms. Not-so-anon-san. Hehehe, yeah that's right, I'm like 99% sure I know who you are and that just makes this even better. YOU WIN!!!! :D
I soooo can't do fluff but I'm glad the humor was enough to balance out any tidbits of angst that may have made it in there.
As for the Death Note reference, 1) I couldn't resist, and 2) I was 99.9% certain you'd laugh your ass off over it. I see my data is correct, nfu.
There were some Tachibana-Mizuki and Akazawa-Mizuki bits that never made it into the final draft, and I still bewoe that cuz I know you'd have loved that as well, but... it's the thought that counts? Ahahaha XD;
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