Title: A Little Less Conversation Recipient's name: illuminations Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Yanagi/Yukimura Author's Notes: I gave this pairing my best shot, illuminations. I hope you enjoy it.
OMG, I love this to little bits and pieces. The interaction between Yukimura and Renji, between Renji and Inui, Kirihara as captain, the very idea that Renji CONSIDERED asking Kirihara for advice. It was all awesome. Great job!
This is just plain wonderful. Such a great concept and it all came together so well.
And Yanagi thought of the Nationals games between Tezuka and Yukimura, how the aura in the stadium had exploded, how he had gripped the railing in front of him hard. It hadn't been just Yukimura's doing; Tezuka had been on fire during that match too.
Of course, I picture this quite literally after reading the most recent chapters. Made me laugh out loud. :D;
LOL, this is so cute and hilarious, the phone calls to Inui especially, but all of Rikkai. Variable A and Variable B kept getting funnier and funnier the more Renji said it, until i was giggling every time i read it.
Comments 22
Wonderful job.
And Yanagi thought of the Nationals games between Tezuka and Yukimura, how the aura in the stadium had exploded, how he had gripped the railing in front of him hard. It hadn't been just Yukimura's doing; Tezuka had been on fire during that match too.
Of course, I picture this quite literally after reading the most recent chapters. Made me laugh out loud. :D;
Great fic!
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