The minor LJ blowup of 07 or Why someone with lurker tendencies attempts to friend many shiny people

May 30, 2007 10:23

I don't know how serious this LJ deletion blowup is, nor do I want to spend time finding out. (Just too frustrating and time-consuming for my tastes.)

But I don't want to lose SPN fandom or parts thereof, so I will take the leap and leave semi-lurker-land behind and finally try and friend all those people whose stories I'd like to continue reading. As paranoia is bound to be on an all-time high this week, I think it's only fair to state some more or less random-informative facts about myself and fandom.

I'm a shy person. I'm 27, I need to finish my degree (like yesterday ...), reading and music are my favourite leisure time activities, family is important to me, I adore my dog.

I've been reading SPN ever since it began early in season one. At that time I was slowly losing interest in the fandom(s) I had read before and SGA didn't tempt me at all (Sorry ;-)) Along came SPN with its conflicted characters, a myth arc and the potential for some excellent story-telling, so of course there was no way for me to resist and there still isn't. In times that have been rough academically as well as health-wise SPN fandom has been my happy place and I'd really like for that to stay this way.

So enough with the spam, how does this LJ-cut thing work anyway?
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