excuse me, you're standing on my neck.

May 11, 2005 10:02

och, jesus. it's grey. grey, wet, damp, seeping, dismal moldy grey.
why not mist in stead, forests? why not fog and shrouds?
my teeth feel nasty. i don't think this coffee is going to help.

i have a million tiny things to do today. it's really the accumulation of little things that does it to a person like me. a few biggish things, no problems, i clean, i rearrange, i decorate....

but must i mop, sweep again, move more stuff, make sure the kittens understand the concept of a litter box, pacify, sweep some more, continually replenish food and water, figure out this mess with school, and feel better??

and there is a lot more to it than all of that, i'm sure. ahg.

ah, happy coffee... thus, with a sip, i smile.

to anyone thinking of watching deterrence: don't. filthy piece of pacifying propaganda. bastard idiots.

if things get any warmer i'm going to feel like i'm in one of those jungle houses in the zoo. dripping water, green things everywhere concealing the muffled lurk of animals, wet, wet heat...

i need to get off this rumble. my dreams are still weirdishly realish (hah, duh,) but i can't remember them clearly. maybe that's what's so perturbing about this morning. ava gets in tomorrow. she called about five times yesterday, she's coming. i'm excited. we're both bogged down. to paraphrase a conversation from yesterday:

A: "i hate moving. i'm never doing this again (edit: she says that every time.) you'd think after twenty two times of doing this i'd have like a suitcase full of stuff. but i just keep getting more stuff. Lil, seriously, i threw everything away. like all those things i said i'd use some day, bits of wallpaper and scraps. well, i used them yesterday, in my performance piece entitled "Ava Cleans Her Room"
L: (picturing a back lit shadow perormance of ava, hair frayed asunder, frantically tearing apart everything and walking away with a few boxes) You should put a notice up on your dumpster.

I love our family. Ava's compiled a family tree, including all the houses we have lived in. her count is twenty two. mine is twenty. that is, of course, not counting all the places where i held up residence for a week, but is, however, including the three and a half months i spent living in a tent on landis green.

speaking of that particular struggle, i hear that the SUPJ kids are getting on well, closing in for the final kill, getting whatever bastard who replaced deLambert to join the WRC. giddy woodiggies. that is hot. i think sometimes of what we did there, and the best result i see is that, well, we educated people. and put a stop to the strange tradition of camping out for football tickets. well, that may be more of a personal triumph, but as such, i am prepared to put it down as a nudge towards a more sane commonality. or maybe i just hate football.
i am admittedly becoming somewhat of a cynic concerning things like the effectiveness of civil (or restless, even) disobedience. protests against the wto and the ftaa (although i don't know much about the soa, so i won't include it here) just aren't cutting anything. people are getting arrested, and nobody seems organised. after watching the miami footage i think, well, there's moral boosting going on, and there is utter despondency going on. there's scheduled to be another ftaa protest outside of miami, in june of this year. and i won't even stop to wonder why the solidarity groups that constituted such large numbers in the last one aren't exactly racing to jump on the wagon.
what you'll get in miami this year will be a small, but powerfully begrudged and hardcore group looking something like the black bloc. nearly everyone i knew went down to miami in 03. maybe two will return in 05.

but right, what i was getting at, is that it occurred to me sometime last week that the only place i see protesting getting through (exempting the four year taco bell protest, which resulted in workers getting paid poorly to getting paid slightly less poorly. i don't know, don't listen to me. i still have to research that...), the only struggle i can see myself alligning with to actually affect positive change for kids my age across the globe, is the wrc.

but that says something. it says that with enough organisation, change is possible. and the great thing about the wrc is that it's down to chapter organisations to actually make the change, in their universities. the whole setup may not be genius, but it works. and yeah, i would spend the rest of my life living in a tent in the florida summer to affect that kind of change.

something about compassionate and conscious leaders making compassionate and conscious decisions is seriously lacking. and though universities are, as a rule, first a corporation and second an educational institution, it's the kids paying tuition that have the say in the end.

maybe a microcosm of the country... maybe not. i'm not sure - it'll be the next thing i look into. and saying that, it'll be the first nonfictitious avenue i'll have explored for a good month now. i think my head has cooled off enough from that last bout to go for another little thought rampage. and if not, well, there's plenty of booze in this world, isn't there?

i am feeling much better than when i started this entry. for any of you who actually read it all the way through, bless your boredom.

edit: the madison county jehova's witnesses have officially paid me a visit. nice ladies. they gave me a copy of the watchtower. i thought about giving them a vopy of prout. we shall see. if they return, i think i will. ava will be here, too. mwahaha. i love religious people.
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