Art works.

Nov 01, 2007 01:02

Jeeesus, I'm so frickin' tired. It's way past this government employee's bedtime. I'm printing pics of my paintings to turn in tomorrow (yes, due tomorrow) to try to get my paintings hung in an art show in a local library. (No butt paintings though--sorry if the userpic got you excited.)

I could have turned in slides or printed pics. No other options. I happen to not own a traditional camera that uses print film/slide film at this time, my last one having been broken, so I am printing out pics to turn in in a binder. Anyway. It's 1 a.m. now, and I will probably get to go to bed in a half hour. That'll be nice. Of course I realized that I forgot to take pics of two of the paintings that I think are among my best, that are hanging on walls in my house. Maybe tomorrow morning I can do that before work? The sun comes up at 7:35. (I need to take the pics outside, or else the lighting is all wrong.) Man, it's taking a long time to print them though, becaue I'm using the best ink-spewing setting.

Here are a few paintings, in no particular order. All oil except where indicated.

Self-portrait in 2 parts, 78" x 36", c. 1997(?). Acrylics? At least the bottom part!

Detail....Click 2-3 times to make larger (and actually, the color is much better in real life....this is washed out, taken with my old digital camera).

Skull, Head, 1996-1997 (I don't remember...and any ideas for a name for this?). 30" x 24". Actually, I did a TON of paintings in 1995-1996. Then I got mono and did nothing in 1997. I did very little after that, until recently. So much of this work is old. Also, the stuff I did recently I did with water-based oils, and I'm now coming to the conclusion that I just don't like them. The colors don't rock my world. I've been working on the same paintings for months, going over and over them, just not happy with them. Next is one of them.

Prayers, 2007. 18" x 24". Water-based oil.

Resort, early 2000s. 36" x 47". This might be acrylics. Sidney Goodman or David Hockney? I meant to put a swimmer in the pool (technically I never finished this).

The next few were dashed off quickly during painting classes. I don't consider any of these finished, but there are some nice moments in them. Also, a former partner liked the first one enough to get a beautiful framing job for it, bless her. [TO BE UPLOADED TOMORROW--LJ IS ACTING WEIRD. IT'S ONE-FORTY-FRICKIN'-TWO, and all is well, AND I'M GOIN' TA BED.]

painting, art

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