Maggie Lump, paintings of canines

Mar 03, 2010 09:34

Maggie Lump is a vet tech and artist in Indiana. She was chosen as the Dick Blick artist of the month for March. I think she really "gets" something fundamental about dogs, and I love the angles she views them from, as well as her compositions. Her paintings look great when seen in groups.

See more of her work at these links:

Artist's Statement:

Maggie Lump is a veterinary technician by trade, and artist by inspiration. Being a self-taught artist, she has coupled her love of dogs with her admiration for art. Maggie acquires ideas for her paintings from the antics of her four-legged friends. Maggie is a graduate of Purdue University in Animal Science and Veterinary Technology.
Maggie says, "I work with a lot of dogs every day, and they are my favorite species to interact with. Their emotions do not become complex like ours, wrapped up in extra random thought. Dogs just feel: happy, sad, love, fear. It is amazing to me how these basic emotions can be conveyed without spoken word, and we understand. When I work with dogs I am reminded that life is simple, and these basic emotions are what I convey unfiltered in my paintings."

maggie lump, painting, art, dog

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