new dog!

Jul 01, 2008 10:26

i got a 3rd dog on Sunday night. so i have THREE Now. that is the max!!!!
he is called Happy right now, but i will probably change his name. his
info is still up on the web. he is as cute as these pics show, but
he's actually thinner, esp in the belly area, which these pics don't
show. he needs to gain a little weight.

so far, rufus and he get along well, while birdie is a little jealous
and controlling (but things are improving as the hours go by). that's
how she was when i first got rufus too (and before rufus, zeus, an older GD from MAGDRL).

the new boy is about 2 years old, they think, and he is very sweet and
gentle. he loves other dogs, and he's been licking amy and me a lot
too and in general been watching everything and everyone. he wants to follow all of us
around, which all of us except birdie allow (but she's starting not to care as much).
he's a lab mix of some sort, but his tail is fluffier and maybe
he's not quite as big, but he may fill out. i think he's 60 lbs now.

everyone actually slept peacefully in the same room the first 2 nights
on various chairs and dog beds and the floor, so we're off to a good

happy originally came from the ritchie county, WV, animal
shelter, via homeward trails rescue, a group in arlington VA.

the ritchie county shelter web site mentions that they have to put a
lot of dogs down due to overcrowding at the shelter. i think this is
the case in many rural shelters.

it looks like happy may have had his first known vetting in the same
town rufus did-- and now i'm forgetting the name of the town.

on the shelter page they also note that they use Kuranda beds-- Happy
is lying on one in one of the web site pics.
i think these are good beds if your dog personally likes them-- they
can't easily be chewed and they keep the dog off the drafty floor, etc.

happy is adorable. it's hard to want to pay attention to the other dogs. :), rufus, magdrl, dog, birdie, happy

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