music, radio

May 23, 2008 07:09

You probably have 1/2 hour more to download my fill-in show from last week-- "Roots and Wings"-- here: 
I'm just doing it now! It's mostly new stuff WMUC had in its "new CD drawer." I posted a link to the playlist within the past week, I think. Here it is again. I messed up on the air a few times, but I think I handled it well. So it's a good broadcast to listen to for examples on how to deal with that (ha). Also, I talked more than usual (alot of times I only talk every half hour or so), so if you want to hear what I sound like, it's a good example for that as well.

Note: the regular host, John McLaughlin, will be back today from 8 to 10. He plays celtic music plus a whole lot more (hence the name Roots and Wings). On the current WMUC schedule, this show is described as "1 part Scots-Irish, 1-part coffeehouse, 1-part bluegrass --  Folk & bluegrass music."  By the way, the show right after that one last Friday, "Drop Thumb," was amazing. You should download it. WMUC has started the summer schedule now, and Drop Thumb is no longer on, but it was traditional American music along the lines of Woody Guthrie and blues etc., but it's really cool stuff you never hear, plus the guys share a little background info about the artists as well. I had never heard some of the stuff. Here is the playlist from May 16 for Drop Thumb. Here is the description from the previous schedule [] of "Drop Thumb": "Drop Thumb: Joe McCord, Jon Hood; Music, Fishing Stories; Early 20th Century American Folk and Blues." Roots and Wings is on the summer schedule. Its host is not a U Md. student, but a community member, so he's still here in town, unlike the hosts of Drop Thumb.

About 50 minutes into the show Drop Thumb, I heard the song "I Heard the Voice of a Pork chop" by Jim Jackson for the first time, and it was great: ""Ain't it nice to be nice when you can be nice?..." but then I thought the main refrain was "I heard the voice of a pork chop/C'mon, don't re-enlist." But according to this site, it's a religious parody, and he's singing: "I heard the voice of a porkchop say: Come on to me and rest."

Hear a sample here:

I will most likely have a show Sundays 10 am to noon starting this or next week. I note that they have put me on the
current sched. More news as I get it.

BTW, to those of you I promised to send CDs of my faves of 2007, I haven't forgotten, I'm just incredibly (~ 4 months) late. I do not renege, however (I just procrastinate and beat myself up for it, you know, the standard thing).

OMG. I just saw that on the previous (Spring '08) sched, there was a show called "2 Squirrels, 1 Nut." 

wmuc, music, radio

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