I blah Flirting with Huckabees

Dec 16, 2007 22:59

Tonight I watched Flirting with Disaster (1996) for the second time. The first time was right after it first came out.

Siskel and Ebert gave the film this glowing review, saying that writer/director David O. Russell is an independent filmmaker who has managed to go mainstream without losing his edge. (I never saw his first supposedly edgy film Spanking the Monkey.)
I loved Flirting with Disaster  too when I first saw it, but now it just feels like the first of many films in which Ben Stiller essentially plays the same character.

Charlie Rose 1996 interview with writer/director David O. Russell starts at 13:05 of this clip (audio is really low, and voices are a little off of the video). My favorite scene from Flirting starts at 17:16. Mary Tyler Moore is great. http://youtube.com/watch?v=cYHpIJslq0o

Interesting wikipedia entry on the director (who also wrote and directed I [Heart] Huckabees): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_O._Russell with link at bottom to youtube of him cussing out Lily Tomlin during filming of Huckabees. Here is footage of Tomlin angry, also during Huckabees filming (you go, Lily).

flirting with disaster, siskel and ebert, mary tyler moore, david o. russell, i heart huckabees, film, lily tomlin

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