Games, games, games!

Sep 15, 2010 23:19

Here's a list of games I currently own.

God of War 3 Collectors Edition
Final Fantasy XIII Collectors Edition

Xbox 360
Gears of War
Gears of War 2
Star Ocean: The Last Hope
Assassin's Creed
Saint Rows 2
Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2 Collectors Edition
Lost Odyssey
Halo Reach Limited Edition

Out of all those games, I've only finished 3 lol

Those 3 are Mass Effect 1 and 2, and Gears of War. A few games in that list I haven't even started. When I installed Halo Reach onto my Xbox HDD, found out I'm pretty much out of space on the 60gb HDD. Thinking of upgrading to the 250gb Xbox.

ps3, gaming, xbox, games

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