Help needed please!

Sep 04, 2008 09:08

Dear mods, please approve this.


I joined auxinyi's Cosplay Costume and Hair Wigs (Customization) Spree #1 along with several other spreers. Spree page here

Spree org. mailed out a stack of cash to the tailor in China via registered postage/concealed cash, wrapped with tissue paper in an envelope.

The parcel reached the tailor in China; however, he/she claims that he/she only received the tissue paper.

In this circumstance, it's either that the tailor pretended not to receive the money, or that the money was nicked along the way.

Basically, spree org auxinyi got to know the tailor from a friend she knew during a foreign exchange trip. No other information was provided to us, except his address, & QQ number. We also do not know if he owns an online shop or not. According to auxinyi, the tailor does not have ANY bank account at all; therefore she had no choice but to mail concealed cash to him. In short, his backgrounds seem dubious, & auxinyi did not manage to clear over doubts of him.

She had since made a police report but that's just about it. I highly doubt the police are gonna do anything abt this, since it's not their responsibility. I'm really frantic here since the amounts involved is huge, and i've transferred close to $300, only to realise my money just vanished into thin air.

I’m extremely disappointed with spree organizer auxinyi, as I feel that she could have done so much more. So far, besides some basic information, no other details were provided to reassure us. Currently, her parents are undergoing an operation, making her even more inactive to update us.

Although this might sound inhumane, I feel that, as a spree organiser, one has to take on large responsibility. You need time & commitment to do a good job. Since auxingyi is so busy with all her matters (though i do NOT doubt her situation) she shouldn't even have taken up this responsibility.

Although it's not her total fault, as a spree organizer, she has to at least take up part of the responsibility, & i'm not asking her to refund us all with her money, but at least update us, & do everything she can to reassure us? More comments can be found here

True, chances of getting the money back is like striking 4D. But at least, there is still the slightest chance, something can be done. I'm not naive in believing that the real world is that kind, but at least i can look back to this situation & tell myself, i've done everything i can, & take it as a lesson learnt.

Thus, since she is unable to take on the responsibility, I've decided to post this post up, hopefully to get some help on this.

I'm appealing to all spree organisers with similar experiences (lost of concealed cash/etc) to give your valuable comments on this. Is there ANY to getting the money back at all? More details can be found here

I really thank you all for your time. Please help out by inputting constructive comments.Thank you.

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