Spree Closing on 08.08.08
This spree will be cancelled if we did not hit their minimum no. of orders.
Feedback Link Here
+0/0/-0 PUFFY Link
HEREEstimated exchange rate SGD1 = NT21.68
This spree might take up to 1-2mths to be completed, pls join if you are comfortable and able to wait.
Confirmed Orders:
1) sher00
2) rainyice
3) cindycindyy
4) tossthecoin
5) solitudequeen
6) joyceaw
7) peixuan05
8) soniality
9) seraphicx
10) YuetLee
Updates: 08.08.08, 12pm
Spree closed....orders sent to seller
Updates: 11.08.08, 12am
Cash Bag sent to seller via speedpost....$23.90 to be split by no. of participants
Updates: 12.08.08, 11pm
I will be gng overseas this weekend, so there won't be any update. Sorry =P
Updates: 14.08.08, 10.20pm
Puffy rec'd Cash Bag...Our orders under processing
ps. Flying off tmr...will post updates (if any) when i'm back
Updates: 26.08.08, 2.30pm
ps. I will be going to taiwan on 27.08.08 and will be back only on sunday. I hope we can have some good news after that.
Updates: 01.09.08, 3.20pm
Updates: 03.09.09, 9.10pm
Stuffs has been sent out today...CC093826670TW
Pls update postage details @
http://guinevere91.livejournal.com/1994.html Updates: 08.09.09, 11.20pm
Stuffs arrived...Emails sent =P
*Compulsory Details. Please fill in everything listed below.
*Name / LJ Nick:
*Account type and number:
Please complete order form in this format.
Item #1
*Name of item:
*Item URL Address:
*Size: (if any)
*Colour: (if any)
*Price of Item (in NT):
Please transfer total amount to POSB Savings account 140-12301-3
Total Amount: (total amt in NT / NT21.68) + ($2 x no. of items)
Transaction no.:
Time & Date of Transfer:
~~Strictly IB only, No ATM transfer. Pls use ur LJ nick as ur Initial when transfering~~
Pls kindly read my Term & Condition