This spree is for sharing of the kits! Looking for people to share the custom kits with me! Eyeshadow Kit & Super Personal Custom Kit for sharing.
If response is good, I can order the Super Personal Custom Kit - Full for sharing and we just have to pay USD4.17 for the Full sized items which is usually USD8 to USD 12!
fbspreesgalore (14+/0-) Everday Minerals
Click Here Terms & Conditions (Kindly read before ordering):
◊ No Payment = No Orders
◊ Post after payments. Orders and Payment in one post please.
◊ All transfers to be made in LJnick if doing ibanking.
◊ All updates prior to item arrival are done on spree page itself. So pls bookmark spree page.
◊ Mass email will only be done when items arrive, pls do not bug me for updates when there are none.
◊ I will not be responsible when seller/merchant/supplier send the wrong item/colour, but will do my best to solve the problem.
◊ Kindly repost if you want to add/change/delete items.
◊ I reserve the right to collect any shortfalls when my CC statement arrives.
◊ I reserve the right to reject orders/close the spree, with valid reasons of course.
◊ I do not profit from all these work, just wanna save on shipping.
BY JOINING THIS SPREE, You are deemed to have read, understood and agreed to abide by my T&Cs listed above. If you are uncomfortable with any T&Cs stated above, PLS DO NOT JOIN.
when will I stop taking orders?
- When I can order 3 or more Super Personal Custome Kits & 2 or more eyeshadow Kit.
My email address
- Kindly indicate your real name and LJ nick when you email me k? Easier to greet you that way.
How spree participants should make payment?
- POSB Savings A/C No: 060-60572-6 (Only POSB / DBS transfer for IB user or POSB / DBS ATM Transfer) (Please indicate your LJ username for IB user )
- Strictly no interbank transfers.
How will the items be distributed?
- By post
- Or mass meet up at Braddell or Bishan MRT, depending on where most spree-ers choose.
Local Postage Charges
- Normal Postage
- *Registered Mail: add $2.24
- Will notify all during 2nd payment
Handling and Packing Fees ($0.50 per Spree-er)
- Cost of green wrapper or envelopes, tapes, sticky label for each item, sticky label
for spree-er address. etc..
Freezes Replies = Payment Received
Exchange rate:
- USD1 = SGD1.42
- JPY1 = SGD0.013
Shipping details:
- Everday Minerals to me to you
BreakDown of Prices:
-IF you are taking slots for the eyeshadow kit, please pay USD 1.70 = SGD 2.40
-IF you are taking slots for the Super Personal Custom Kit please pay USD 4.17 = SGD 5.88
Format of Order
Your Real Name: *Don't leave it Blank*
LJ username:
Email Address:
Account type / account no:
Postage Options: Registered / Normal
Eyeshadow Kit :
EyeColour #1:
Type: Brow colour / Matte / Pearl / Shimmer
EyeColour #2:
Type: Brow colour / Matte / Pearl / Shimmer
Total: 2 Colours
Price in USD = 1.70 * 2 =
Super Personal Custom Kit:
Item #1: Foundation / Blush / Concealer / Finishing Powder / Lip Gloss
Fomula: Matte / Semi matte / Intensive / Original Glow (only applicable for foundation colours)
Item #2: Foundation / Blush / Concealer / Finishing Powder / Lip Gloss
Fomula: Matte / Semi matte / Intensive / Original Glow (only applicable for foundation colours)
Total: 2 Items
Price in USD = 4.17 * 2 =
Total Amt in USD :
Total Amt in SGD : [USD*1.41] + [$1 * No. of Items] =
** Payment **
Transaction reference:
Happy Spreeing!
Do note that even though the USD rate is 1.41, paypal charges differently. Its higher. Thus, there might be a top up. Will print screen info.
There will be 2 payments
1st Payment: [Cost of item in USD * 1.42] + [Initial Shipping Fees]
2nd Payment: Local postage + Top up Shipping fees if any + Handling fees