Taobao Spree #5 [CLOSED]

Apr 10, 2013 11:21

Spree will close on 19th Apr, 9pm

Exchange Rate: 4.85
Agent Fee: 6%
Choose from Sea or Air shipment

spreesgalore (+46/0/-0) Thanks for the lovely feedback =)

Useful link:

Terms & Conditions:
Please read T&C here:

Exchange Rate:
SGD 1 : RMB 4.85

Payment Details:
POSB Savings 118940784
UOB Savings 355-102-066-3

1st payment is for items & China domestic shipping only.
2nd payment is for international shipping + shipping from Agent to me + agent fees + local postage (if any) + handling fee ($0.70).

Shipping from Agent to me = S$8 (costs to be distributed among spree-ers according to weight of items)
Agent fee = 6% (of item cost + China domestic shipping + international shipping)

Shipping Details:
Choose from:
1. Sea shipment (approximately 3-4 weeks)
S$5.70 for first 500g, S$1.70 for every subsequent 500g.

Vacuum packed non-meat foods, cosmetics and liquids can only be shipped by sea shipment.
2. Air shipment (approximately 2 weeks)
S$7 for first 500g, S$3 for every subsequent 500g.

Shipping will be distributed according to individual item's chargeable weight or volumetric weight, whichever is higher.

Volumetric weight(kg) = Length(cm)*Width(cm)*Height(cm) / 6000

Distribution Details:
- Normal or Registered (additional $2.24 & highly recommended) mail.
I will not be held responsible for any lost normal mail.
Packages will be mailed out on Saturdays.
Handling fee of $0.70 will be charged per spree-er if opting for mail.
- Self-collection at my place @ Upper Serangoon View. No handling fee if opt for self-collect.
- No meetups.

Format for Order:
LJ-Nick / Name:
Email address:
Account type & no.: (in case of refunds)

Postage Type: Normal/Registered/Self-collection
Shipment type: Sea / Air

Seller #1:
Domestic Shipping: under "快递" (charged once per seller) choose “上海” for air/sea shipment

Item #1
Item URL: [ must be correct as I'll be ordering from this!! ]
Price in RMB (for 1 qty):
Alt if OOS:

Item #2
Item URL: [ must be correct as I'll be ordering from this!! ]
Price in RMB (for 1 qty):
Alt if OOS:

Seller #2:
Domestic Shipping: under "快递" (charged once per seller) choose “上海” for air/sea shipment

Item #3
Item URL: [ must be correct as I'll be ordering from this!! ]
Price in RMB (for 1 qty):
Alt if OOS:

Item #4
Item URL: [ must be correct as I'll be ordering from this!! ]
Price in RMB (for 1 qty):
Alt if OOS:

Total in RMB:
Total in SGD: [Total in RMB] / 4.85 = S$

Payment (IB):
IB nick:
Bank: PO/UOB
Transaction ref.:

Payment (ATM):
Bank: PO/UOB
Transaction ref.:
Comment frozen = Ordered
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