Drugstore.com spree #02 - CLOSED

Apr 07, 2011 15:48


Stock up on Boots, EOS lipbalms, Revlon, Covergirl and more. Check out my recommendations under the cut.

Spreesgalore feedback (+106/-0)

** Please note the following before posting your orders.
- I'm not taking nail polishes, perfumes, anything with a spray nozzle because Vpost will not ship them to Singapore.
- Please check that your item qualifies for everyday free shipping. 
- The buy one get the next one at 50% off is unlimited, meaning if one spree-er uses the offer for Revlon, another spree-er is still entitled to the discount for the same or different items.Please post BOGO items separately. 
- I am not taking any backordered items, bulky items or items > than 500ml to minimise vpost shipping charges. Please check with me if you're unsure.

Recommended products
Biore pore uncloging scrub - great for blackheads
Boots No. 7 lip liner  - the perfect nude lip liner
Boots conditioning clay mask - a great deep cleansing mask

1. Website we're spreeing from 
Drugstore.com  and Beauty.com

2. Spree Limit
Amount is capped at US$230, not inclusive of my orders of about US$30. Strictly one batch only.

3. Update details
All updates will be done via email.

4. Shipping costs
Shipping to Vpost and then shipped to Singapore. Please note Vpost's base charge of S$13.40 will be divided by number of items and the weight charge will be apportioned by units as follows. I reserve the right to amend the units when the items arrive 
Lipsticks, mascara, lip/eye pencils - 0.5 units
Blushs, bronzers, brush sets, other small cosmetics - 1 unit
Creams,lotions,shampoo etc <100ml - 1.5 unit
Creams,lotions shampoo etc >100ml-200ml - 2 units
Creams,lotions, shampoo etc>300ml-400ml - 2.5 units
Creams,lotions, shampoo etc>400ml-500ml- 3 units

5. Payment Details
I will not be accepting interbank transfers. Please make payment to the following account as soon possible after posting your order.
POSB Savings Account: 193086250

In the case the cap is exceeded, I will take in orders that are paid earlier according to my bank transaction record.

6. Distribution of Items
items will be distributed by normal and registered mail. Self collection is only available at Serangoon Ave 2, block 307. Requests for collection requested elsewhere will be ignored.

7. Order format
Please post your order in the format below.

Name/LJ Nick:

Item 1
Item Name:
Url of Item:
Alt shade if above OOS:
Price: US$

Item 2
Item Name:
Url of Item:
Alt shade if above OOS: 
Price: US$

No of items =
Total price of items =(Total in USD) x 1.307
= S$

For Ibanking, please use your livejournal nick.
Transaction ref:

For ATM transfer,
Date and time:
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