VS #53 closed

Dec 04, 2010 16:34

spreesgalore fb: +455/1/-2

Terms and conditions

i'm currently holding a full time job with irregular working hours.
do understand that i'm not able to be online 24/7
but nontheless, i will do 2 mass email updates in total.
1st: after i place orders
2nd; final: when items arrive @ my place
inbetween the transit, do refer to this spree page to check for updates: when loots get shipped from merchant & when i pay for shipping @ Vpost

have fun shopping! :)

- only paid orders will be taken in

- frozen comments = payment received

- please post orders and payment details in one post to keep the thread neat

- Please delete and re-post your orders should there be any amendments

- I reserve the right to cancel the spree if response is poor

- I will not be held responsible if the merchant sends the wrong/damaged item over. But I will be careful when ordering so as to not make any errors

- Please count before posting . If cap is reached, I will need to refund you your money

- Updates would be done via email and this page, so do bookmark this page

Website im ordering from:


Capping at: 250 USD

Contact me at : justineneux@hotmail.com

Payment mode:

POSB/DBS internet banking, please use your LJ nick

Accepting ATM transfers (POST AND PAY WITHIN AN HOUR)

Transfer to posb savings 209-04545-1

Mode of collection:

Normal / registered post (registered post advised to avoid lost of items by normal mail)
Self collect @ my place, Hougang area, near holy innocents high sch

Exchange rate: USD$1 = SGD$1.35

Shipping details:
VS (direct) > me
*excess discount amt wld be used to offset part of shipping cost

shipping costs will be divided by the COST of ur items

For nw, use the units as shown below

0.5 shipping item - small accessories
1 shipping items - Tees, Shorts, skirts, Wallets, belts
2 shipping items - Dresses, Skirts, Pants, slippers, mist, lotions

Payment details:

1st Payment : (USD x 1.35) + 0.70 handling fee + (no. of items x S$3) = Total price (SGD)
2nd Payment : Top-ups of shipping/Refunds + Postage

Please round up when doing calculation of items ( eg. $9.562 = $9.57)

Please copy & fill in accordingly.
IMPORTANT : Payment must be made within 1hour after posting your order.

Name/lj nick:
Bank a/c details:

Item #1
Item Name:
Item Code:
Item URL:
Item Colour:
Item Size:
Item Qty:
Alternative: (If out of stock)
URL of Alt.:
Price in USD$:

Item #2
Item Name:
Item Code:
Item URL:
Item Colour:
Item Size:
Item Qty:
Alternative: (If out of stock)
URL of Alt.:
Price in USD$:


[Total price in USD$ x 1.35] + $0.70 handling +  (no. of items x S$3) = Total price (SGD)

Amount transferred:
Transaction reference:
Date / Time

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