spreesgalore feedback +255/2/-0 CLOSED
New Itahake Brush at introductory price of USD 12. (Entitled to further 45% off too)
All Smiles Pressed Blush at special price of USD 5.99. (Entitle to further 45% off too)
45% off - 12 Full Sized Items. (Samples, Collection Kits not applicable)
First 2 paid order with at least 1 FULL sized item can choose to get 'Try me - Coral Matte Blush' sample. Choose one color.
Im taking Weekend Getaway!
Distribution via POSTAGE only.
Pls join only if comfortable.
Spree Website
www.EDM.com Capping at
Min. 12 Full Sized items
Email address
suncupid7@gmail.com Payment mode
POSB/DBS Internet Banking
ATM transfers
*For ATM transfers, pls indicate the time, date, amount of transfer & transaction no.
Please make all payment to POSB Savings 126-79459-2 using your LJ nick as IB nick.
Strictly No Inter-bank transfer.
Distribution of items
Normal or Registered Mail ONLY
***I set dateline for Reg Mail. Can only afford 1 trip to PO.
***Mailing can only be made once or twice a week. Join only if you're comfortable!!
Exchange rate
USD1 : SGD1.42
Shipping details
Direct International Shipping - Cheapest mode
(Shipping is divided by total no. of items.)
Payment details
1st Payment : (Total USD x 1.42 x 0.55) + (No. of item x $1.00) = Total price (SGD)
2nd Payment : Topup of Shipping/Refund + Local postage + $0.50 handling fee
Terms & Conditions
- Only paid orders will be taken in.
- Frozen comments = payment received.
- Spree will be cancelled if the response is not satisfactory.
- I reserve the rights to close spree earlier as deem fit.
- I will not be held responsible for mistakes made by the seller but I will try my best to ensure that the correct orders are placed.
- I will not be held responsible for wrong, missing or defective items/cash.
- I will not be responsible for lost mail through normal mail. Registered mail is strongly encouraged.
- I will not be responsible for damage made during mailing process but will ensure that items are securely wrapped before they leave my possession.
- Calculation of items please round UP not down. (eg. $9.3822 = $9.39)
- Please delete and re-post your orders should there be any amendments.
- No cancellations or amendments once order is confirmed.
- Transfer when cap reached / Any refund will only be made after whole spree end.
- All updates to be done at my
LJ and mass email when item arrived
Pls post Order and Payment together
- No Booking Of Slots -
(unpaid order will be deleted after a day)
Format of order
Real name/ LJ nick:
Email address:
Bank type/account number: (please omit dashes)
Item #1
Item Name:
Formula Type:
Price in USD:
Item #2
Item Name:
Formula Type:
Price in USD:
Your Total no. of items:
Total USD:
Total SGD: (Total USD x 1.42 x 0.55) + (No. of item x $1.00) =
Internet Banking
From a/c:
To a/c:
Transaction reference:
ATM Transfer
REMINDER: Will NOT entertain queries asking for updates anymore