Dec 06, 2008 11:38

Victoria's Secret Clearance Spree #5 CLOSED!
Hoping to take in majority of CLEARANCE ITEMS! but other items are ok as well.
No Body Splashes, Perfumes and prohibited items. Please ask if unsure!

spreesgalorefb [+12/-0]


1. All payment is to be made TOGETHER WITH orders. No reservation of slots.
3. DO NOT delete your comments.
4. Please make sure that your orders are CONFIRMED. No changing of orders are allowed.
5. Most correspondence will be done through email, so please do make sure you provide an email account that is working, and check it often.
6. I reserve the right to cancel the spree if response is not met. Please stick STRICTLY to the spree cap as well.
7. Once spree is declared closed when cap is reached, any extra orders with transactions made will take up to 2 weeks upon items arrival to be refunded.

8. Orders placed are on a first-come-first-served basis.
9. If the merchant ships the wrong size/colour, I am not responsible for any return costs.
10. Distribution strictly by post ONLY.
11. All mail will be in envelope and sealed with scotch tape. All mail that cannot fit into envelopes will be wrapped in brown paper. I am not responsible if the mail reaches you torn or damaged. Should you require special packaging (boxes), please notify me when placing orders, and expect a 2 week delay in receiving your items.

Please be assured that I will try my BEST to make spree-ing as fuss-free as possible. :)
Wishing all a pleasant spree experience!

1. Website that you are ordering from
Victoria's Secret

2. My email address

3. Exchange Rate
USD$1.00 = S$1.58

4. Spree's Closing
Capping at USD$200 to prevent GST incuring.
Do not transfer once spree cap is reached!

5. Shipping

Direct Internation Shipping charges of $46.99 USD to be split amongst spreers by COST OF ITEM.
The cost of shipping for you would be: [(total cost of items)/approx. 200 (or total spree amount)] x 46.99

*I have the right to amend breakdown on shipping charges once item arrives in Singapore.

6. Distribution of items:


i. $0.50 per spreer. Extra charges for postpac boxes/bubble wrap etc.

7A. Payment collection

i. Payment will be collected TWICE.
A. For cost of item + handling charge.
B. Cost of local postage + international shipping fee.
7B. How to make payment:

Only DBS/POSB Internet Banking only. Please use your nick for easy reference.

All fund transfers are to be made to

DBS savings plus
Bank code: 7171
branch: 070
Acc No.:070-1-006778

8. Posting format:

Name/ Nick:
Email: Please ensure this is correct!
Account Type & No.:

Item #1:
Item url:
Size: Please make sure that this item is in stock by adding it to your shopping bag/cart
price in USD$:
Alt. if OOS:

Item #2:
Item url:
Size: Please make sure that this item is in stock by adding it to your shopping bag/cart
price in USD$:
Alt. if OOS:

Total no of items:
Total price in USD$:
Total in S$: = [(Total price in USD$) x 1.58] = SGD$ Please round up to the nearest cent

Payment details:
Date/Time of transaction:
IB name:
Amt transferred:
Transaction reference:
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