Sweet, pretty clothes! First time ordering join only if comfortable.
Spreesation FB:
(+55/0n/0-) T&C:
1. Post your order and payment details in one comment.
2. No payment = No order.
3. I reserve the rights to reject any order from any spree-ers that I’m not comfortable with.
4. I reserve the rights to cancel/extend the spree if response is bad.
5. I’m not responsible if merchant sends out the wrong order/colour/size. But I will make sure I ordered the correct items.
6. I'm not responsible if anything happens to the items during shipping, as my items will also be affected.
7. I’m not responsible for lost mail if you opt for normal mail. So registered mail is preferred.
8. There will be a handling charge of 50 cents for wrapping materials.
9. This spree will take about 4-7 weeks to complete.
10. I will be doing updates in my livejournal and mass emails! So do bookmark my lj or post the correct email.
11. No fussy spree-ers please. I do my part, you do your part.
12. I will only keep your items for 2 weeks after I mail out the final calculation sheet, as I do not want my house to be treated like a warehouse. After 2 weeks, items will be confiscated.
13. Please do not join if you are not comfortable with the above. And join only if you trust me.
Things to Note:
I will provide very frequent updates. Even if there is no update from the seller side, I will still give an update every 3 days. If I am busy, it will be 4-5 days.
I will be paying by credit card, as MAZ do not absorb credit card charges, there will be an additional charge of 2.8%, as stated in their website.
Website you are ordering from:
http://tw.user.bid.yahoo.com/tw/booth/maz_yang2002 My Email Address:
Deadline: At least 30 items.
Mode of Payment:
POSB Savings 245-61567-1
For IBanking, please transfer using your LJ nick.
For transfer by atm, please transfer before you post or within 2 hours after you post.
No interbank please.
Unpaid orders will be deleted after 24 hours.
There will be 2 payments:
1st Payment = Item amount + Shipping $1.50 per item first
2nd Payment = Top-ups/Refunds + Postage + Wrapping materials $0.50
*Every item will be weighed individually.
How Items are Delivered:
MAZ -> Me
Me -> You
Exchange Rate:
SGD1 : TWD21.73 (Top-ups will be collected if any.)
Mode of Distribution:
Normal postage/Registered postage/Self-collection ONLY.
Strictly NO meet-ups please. Self-collection venue is in Jurong area, will be made known when I ask for your address.
Rough Estimation of Postage:
1 clothing - S$1.00
2 clothing - S$1.50
3-4 clothings - S$2.55
5 or more clothings - S$3.35
Add another $2.25 for registered mail.
*Postage will be revised after the items arrive.
Format of Ordering:
Name/ LJ nick:
Account number:
Item #1
Name: (in Chinese)(Please check your item code that it is correct, as I check by the item code.)
Colour: (in Chinese)(Please state your colour correctly.)
Alt: DNB or include the link of the alt item.
Item Price(in TWD): NT$
Item #2
Colour Code:
Alt: DNB or include the link of the alt item.
Item Price(in TWD): NT$
Total Amount in TWD: NT$
Total Amount in SGD: (Total amount in TWD/21.73) = S$
1st Payment: S$(Total Amount in SGD) + ($1.50 x no. of items) =
Payment Details:
Transaction Reference:
Amount transferred:
Note: Please enter your order correctly. I won't hold any responsibility if you did not submit your order correctly.
If you have any enquiries, you can post it in the first comment or email me. :)