Sprees Alley FB (15+ve/0+-/0-ve)
http://spreesupdate.livejournal.com/3122.html#cutid1 Carefully read my T&Cs
HERE before joining my spree =)
Please double check item's name, URL, price, sizing & colour before posting.
Updates will be done @
spreesupdate LJ.
Reply to your own post after making payment to make this thread neat. Thanks!
Full refunds will be made if item is Out-Of-Stock (OOS).
Spree may be cancelled if response is not satisfactory.
No cancellation of any paid or unpaid order(s) under any circumstances.
For this spree i will only be providing C4 envelopes, postage(s) that requires anything bigger than that will have to pay accordingly. =)
Non-SpreesAlley member can also send mi their order(s) via email! =)
Website I am ordering from:
Ordering on the:
Dec 4
Exchange Rate:
1 USD = 1.53 SGD
Payments to make:
1st - Cost of items + Shipping Fees + $1.00 handling fee
2nd - Topups/Refund (if any) + Cost of Postage
Shipping Details:
Depending on no. of item, will choose the cheapest w/ tracking ability shipping method. =))
Format for ordering:
LJ nick/RealName:
Bank type & account no.: *For refunding purpose =)
Item #1
Item Name:
URL: *Will order according to given link =) Hence check and check and check again! =)
Price in USD:
Alt if OOS:
Total Qty Ordered:
Total Amount (in USD):
Total Amount (SGD): (Total in USD*1.57)+(Initial $3.00 shipping fees per item)+($1.00 handling fee) = Total in SGD (Kindly round up to the nearest 2 decimal places.)
Mode of Payment:
DBS/POSB ibanking to POSB Savings account 209-36322-4
(Please indicate your LJ nick)
DBS/POSB ATM transfer to POSB Savings account 209-36322-4
(Please indicate Ref No., Amt & Date you transfer)
*Payment is to be made within 3 days of posting or before cap/deadline is reached.
Frozen comments = Payment received! :)