Forever 21 #8 - CLOSED

Jul 18, 2011 12:18

spreehouse feedback:  17+ / 0-

terms and conditions:

1. No booking of slots. 
2. Please pay and post together, or reply to your own comment after posting 
3. i reserve the rights to cancel the spree shld any trouble arise. 
4. pls check if ur items are available before posting. 
5. i will NOT be held responsible should there be any defects/mistakes in items upon arrival, however i will make sure orders and payment is correct before ordering. 
6. Excess money from exchange rate will be refunded; likewise, if there is a need for topup, i'll let you know 
7. i reserve the right to reject any order i'm uncomfortable with. 
8. i am not responsible for any damages incurred during mail to you. 
9. please count before posting.

1. Ordering from :

2. Capped at: 
2 batches - USD 150 per batch me:

4. shipping: 
via vPostUSA 
will be calculated according to units, but please pay $3 per item first

5. Exchange rate: 
USD$1 = SGD$1.27
(will collect/refund any differences in exchange rate according to my cc bill)

6. Payment: 
POSB Savings 209-29419-2 
no interbank and ATM transfers. 
please email me if you want to transf using UOB

7. Distribution: 
Normal/Reg mail. 
no meetups. 
[+50cents handling charge]

8. Updates: 
via Email

9. For DAILY SPECIALS, if the price at point of ordering does not reflect the daily special price, i will CONTINUE with the order, according to original price. Please let me know if you do not want to continue with the order for DAILY SPECIALS in the event if it hits back to original price at my point of ordering.


Email add: 
Acct Type & No:

Item #1: 
Item Name: 
Product Code:
Alt if OOS:

Item #2: 
Item Name: 
Product Code:
Alt if OOS:

Total number of items: 
Total amount in USD:
Total amount in SGD: (Total in USD x 1.27) + ($3 x no. of items) = SGD$ CLOSED
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