May 14, 2010 15:19

Take Note:
Not accepting bulky/heavy items such as shoes, big bags, fedora... if unsure pls ask me first.

my Terms & Conditions:
1. I will not be responsible if merchant sends me wrong/defective/color differences items or run away with our money.( i will do my part to check and ensure all the orders are of the correct size and color before sending the order)
2. I reserve the right to cancel the spree if response is poor.
3. Spree-ers are expected to use their iB nick to transfer if payment via iBanking.
4. Updates will be done on my lj page (do bookmark it) and via mass email (only when items arrived).
5. Initial shipping charge is $2 per unit.
6. Always add item(s) to cart to check availability before posting orders.
7. For calculation of total amount to be paid, please round UP not down. (eg. S$7.582 = S$7.59)
8. Please do your top-ups asap. I'll mail item out only after I receive your top-ups.
9. Post in ONE comment with payment! (i.e. orders + payment)
10. Strictly no cancellation of orders after payment is made. refunds will not be made should you cancel your order
11. refund will onli be made wen the item arrived
12. if you hope to screen ya order detail do email be and let mi noe
13. Only paid orders are accepted and no reservation of slots

Details of Spree:

Approved Exchange Rate:

Spree Cap at /Closes:
180 USD per batch
(will be ordering more then one batch if the respond is good)

My Email:

Accepted Payment Mode:
ibanking (use your lj nick) or ATM transfer (within 3 hours)
POSB Savings 228-18357-1
TX ACCOUNT 301-373-207-6

Distribution Mode:
Normal or Registered Mail (not responsible for any lost mail, but return address will be provided)
(50cents handling fee applies to each spree-er)

Shipping Mode:
via vpost (American apparel  > vpost > me > you)

Shipping Charges: base on units
0.5 unit - light accessories, undies, glasses
1 unit - tees, short sleeved tanks & shirts
1.5 units - tunics, shorts, skirts, hats, long sleeved tops
2 units - dresses, pants
2.5 units - hoodies, jackets
3 units - long jeans
*if unsure, pay S$2 per item in first payment, excess or topup will carried to second payment.
shipping units may be revised if items shipped are deemed to be heavier.

Order Format:
Lj nick / Name:
Email Address:
Account Details:

Item #1
Product Name:
Product URL:
Price in USD:
Alternative: provide URL, size, colour or DNB

Item #2
Product Name:
Product URL:
Price in USD:
Alternative: provide URL, size, colour or DNB

Total Number of items:
Total price in USD:
Total price in SGD: total USD x 1.48

Total Amount to be paid: (total SGD) + (no. of items x S$2) = S$

Transaction Reference:
Amount Transferred:
Date & Time:
IB/ATM: * state iB nick if using iBanking

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