Dec 24, 2004 18:48
wow...these past 2 days have been absolutely crazy! yesterday i was babysitten these 2 kids while their dad was home, and the lil girl wanted me to take her upstairs so that she could show me all of her stuffed animals...well her dad's room is at the top of the stairs, and he opens the door just as i'm abour to finish coming up the stairs and guess what....yeah, umm...he didn't think that i would be coming up was gross...i dont wanna think about it. then today maggie was straightening my hair, and she burnt the top of my head, so that hurts, and then omg, we were decorating Christmas Cookies and someone said something about Mary,and david goes "the virgin" and then he kept on saying i'm still a virgin! it was absolutely hilarious, but i guess you had to be there.....all right, i need to find something to wear to church, so i shall leave you.
Merry Christmas!!!