08.06.2014 Славянск. Кровавая Троица. Slavyansk. The bloody Trinity. 18+

Jun 09, 2014 22:12

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08.06.2014 Славянск. Кровавая Троица. Slavyansk. The bloody Trinity. 18+
The Kiev Junta offense. A war crime. Neo-Nazi crimes against humanity.
On the the Holy Trinity day Slavyansk was undergone by severe artillery bombardment from the fascists. Burning houses at the each corner and the city is tightened with black smoke.
This shelling was particularly strong and ended only late at night. City Council building, one of the temples in the city center, residential high-rise buildings, several workshops, hospitals and schools were destroyed or badly damaged. Also damaged the pipeline. Particularly hard suffered Slavyansk suburb Semenivka village. According to local residents "there isn't undestroyed a single building". There're victims, including children. Set civilians were seriously injured. The locals are hiding in basements and shelters.

slavyansk, украина, odessa, donbass, донбасс, poroshenko, россия, rada, poroschenko, путин, семеновка, обама, ukraine, порошенко, russland, славянск, russia, донецк, луганск, одесса, luhansk

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