beach trip today!

Jun 05, 2005 10:36

After taking the Alias character quiz, they concluded that:
You are Agent Sydney Bristow. Faster than (insert something witty here)...more powerful than (insert something else witty here) to (insert one more witty thing here). It's SuperSyd! You r stylish, can kick ass, and a 'little' overschedeled. You Rock!!!

Of course I'm not surprised.

Anyway, other than the fact that Alias has totally and completely consumed my life (the reason I exist is for the sole purpose of someday marrying Michael Vartan and having his babies), I leave for the beach today! We're going to Delaware where my friend Melissa has a house. And the best part is that Lauren is coming too! Woooooohooooo! It's been way too long. I can't wait to actually relax and do nothing but sleep, beach and party all week long.

By the way, thanks for all the birthday wishes! I wasn't sure if anyone would remember it so I was super excited for the presents and calls! You guys are the beeeeesssssttttt. On my birthday my mom took me to this medical day spa where they de-stress you. They hooked my earlobes up to this machine that vibrated them (it was sort of like Alias so I was pleased) and my number (I don't know what that means) was in the high 90s meaning I was very stressed. Weird. I think I was less stressed during the school year. Maybe Alias watching is giving me an ulcer. It's possible. After that, we went shopping. Like crazy 6 hours of non stop shot till we dropped shopping. It was amazing. I got a shit load of stuff and got to hang out with my mom which was cool because she's always working. She also got me a gym membership so I won't be fat next year.

I guess that's about all. I will be radio silent for the week (Alias lingo) and will talk to you all soon!
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