Dec 28, 2009 03:42
There's an episode of Batman: The Animated Series where Batman realizes he's trapped in a dream because he can't read anything. That's not true for me. I can read in dreams. The surest way I can tell I'm dreaming is if I try to drive. I can never drive in dreams. I've always forgotten how or something is wrong and usually my car goes out of control in some horrific way.
Today I drove back from visiting Kevin's family in Ohio for Christmas. After at first being excited about how clear the skies and roads were it started to snow, heavily. Snowplows were out but the roads were still well covered in snow. I was sticking to the left lane of I-80 around hour four because it was a little clearer but a car behind me started riding me pretty hard for only going a few miles over the speed limit in a snowstorm. So I decided to change lanes. He zipped ahead of me but I didn't quite recover properly from the lane change. The snow in the middle caught my tire and I started spinning out of control around the roadway before smashing the left side of my car against the guard rail and eventually coming to a stop facing the wrong way on the highway.
Thankfully Kevin and I weren't hurt. The miracle of the whole thing is that during out spin there were no other cars on the road. This was a busy enough travel day with tons of trucks out. Any other vehicle could have smashed into us making everything much, much worse. As it is the damage was significant but after we got a tow, filled out a police report, called my insurance company and calmed down a good bit we discovered the car was still drivable, if grudgingly. The front and rear lights on the left are smashed and something makes a sickening noise whenever I make a right turn or go over a bump. My insurance is supposed to have someone call to handle the claim tomorrow. I'm back in Evanston, though awake at 3 a.m. because I got sick while I was away and have a horrific hacking cough. I had a fit of it and got up to avoid waking Kevin because I woke him with my coughing yesterday and I feel bad.
On the bright side I think Kevin's family liked me and it was fun celebrating Christmas. They were very generous in giving me gifts even though I'd never met most of them and now I have enough bath products to last a few months. Also Bravo is asleep on my lap and that always makes things just a little better.