Oct 26, 2009 23:36
So, I was about to start asking what we knew about this place, how to organize things and whatnot, who knew what about what... but apparently somebody else has been busy on the same task. Good thing, too, though I have some questions about it.
First of all - what is everyone capable of? I don't mean just magical powers, like my own, but other skills. Cooking, hunting, combat capabilities, that sort of thing. For example, as some of you know I have a host of healing spells at my disposal, and more than a few combat abilities, though like I've said before the ghosts here seem to frown on flashy powers, and I have no intention of using those unless necessary.
Second of all - do we have any sort of organization? From that post it seems like people can get food from the convenience store, and can get supplies from the hardware, but are people just going alone? Are there any sort of group efforts to do this, or attempts to divvy out things where needed, or are we going all for ourselves? That seems somehow like a bad idea, if that's the case; I know I'm not comfortable here and I doubt the rest of you are.
And if you are comfortable and happy here, I worry about you.
Third of all - it's probably foolish to ask, but do we have any idea how we ended up here? Has anyone ever gotten out, and if so, how? The train tunnel isn't the way out, and there doesn't appear to be any other way out. I assume someone has tried flight or something of the sort...
Hnnn. This is the first I've heard of any sort of organization; that scroll would be good to give to new people, to explain what's going on. I don't know how else people could be made more welcome, especially with the... variety of backgrounds people are coming from.
It would be helpful if people got to know each other better, though this is hardly the place for parties. It'd be worth a try, to get to know each other; with as many undead as are around we're going to need to learn to trust each other, I think. Know what each other person's capable of.
[ He sighs heavily. With that said, he'll simply wait for responses now, other than his last line. ]
Thoughts, anyone?
party leader by default,
god damn i fucking rule,
bitch i am an adventurer,
diplomacy powers jigoku