[Request Entry] 50 AKAME + KOKI CRACK FICS!

May 14, 2010 13:44

Hey guys~

It has just occured to me that I love writing crack fics so bad, because they make me laugh and smile, instead of feeling down or "fucked up" LOL so because of that, I have decided to make a crack fic table~ I know that i'm kinda following the trend, but it's fun this time around I guess, plus it will just be drabbles so it won't take me A ( Read more... )

#request entry

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gangsta_paradis May 15 2010, 17:58:32 UTC
hee why i missed this post?? *bricked
yay crack fic! XDD
i still dont have any idea rite now.. but i wanna see how people around them (esp. all jhonny's) react about akame^^ (i wonder if its like koki or not)
and meybi its really interesting to see the 'situation', LOL


spread_da_love May 16 2010, 04:33:46 UTC
*HUG* darling~ it said akame+koki; any specific scene u want to include? just put all the details here ne *HUG* love you~


gangsta_paradis May 16 2010, 14:01:06 UTC
owh sorry, my bad XP
ee so its only akame+koki..hmmm ne~ give me a time to thinking it ok XDDD hahhaha~
i dont hav any idea~~~~


spread_da_love May 18 2010, 08:59:42 UTC
LOL it's ok~ well i do have an idea of what this might be LOL since when you first mention it, i have an image of how Koki will fit in, but i want to make sure what else you want from that so i can include them all in ehhehehe *HUG*


gangsta_paradis May 18 2010, 09:18:04 UTC
nee~.... from yesterday i keep wondering and hav a thought. we can say koki is not a an avid fan of akame and somtime get 'allergic' about both of them XDD. so i wonder, what he gonna be like if he know that all jhonny's esp. yokoyama yu, shige and takky tsubasa is a real fan of akame (as like we know). its still bout koki and akame, but adding some of jhonny's as 'additional player' to make koki life like hell XDD
i guess thats enough for me, i leave it all the rest to you^^ hihi *hug


spread_da_love May 23 2010, 07:26:47 UTC
oooo nice~ ok i'll take notes of that~ when i start to write i'll bug you ne~ *HUG* hehehe


gangsta_paradis May 24 2010, 14:28:56 UTC
sorri cant help much (>,<) i can only think until that part.. ganbattene~ for all the crack koki vs akame fic ^^v


spread_da_love May 25 2010, 08:46:33 UTC
it's ok~ ^^ i'm currently writing it now~ XD hehehe so i'll ask along the way~ ^^


spread_da_love May 28 2010, 11:11:35 UTC
dear, i've posted your request, it's #2 JE hehehe i hope it's what you want, if not i'll write a new one for ya~ *HUG*


gangsta_paradis May 29 2010, 09:32:27 UTC
huwaaaaaaaa thankyouuuuuuuuuuuuu!! gonna read it immediately!!!!!!! (//∇//)キャ~!


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