(no subject)

Sep 05, 2003 22:46

Ok here it is! If you are in this list and have me on your friends list please remove me. Since I am in a good mood I'll be nice and say that its either because of a] you don't update b]i don't usually read your journal, sorry c] i desperately needed to cut people.


__neglected, angel_arms, being_brooke, _iced, artinme, chikensoup, heathbar66, imagine_ inverno, jengivitus, k_icons,kelbels1986, noncriticalicon, schizophrenic_, starlit_jeannie, toxicangelicons, visualrelevancy

_anothernight, _chrysalis_, _dandy, _independent, bellus_mador, break_free, bwitching, cotton_candy8,duckalicious, glitterbreeze, hannibal_smith,keep_fishin, kk89, legallyblonde81, luckystar1337, mad__season, megansync, missmeredith, moon_dust, never_doubt, panth3rchika, pigeonholethis, quicksand_icons, rockyouricons, sammers24, sexystace, slayerbabe,tragicx01, truelove829, vulnerablebeing

You have made it past the cut and just got one step closer to becoming Leanne's Idol *applauds*

I will keep the cut people on my list till monday night to give them a chance to see this post
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