Jun 15, 2005 23:01
Has it ever happened to you that you know full well that you have some work to do but can't or don't want to think of anything that needs to be done. Just seeing.
Formal Ticket forms went out today, the school is now officially gripped in formal fever, and its not even until term 3... some people are just wacko (looks in general direction of female sex). Well not wacko, they just have different things that are important to them which is understandable... considering none of them care about the more male inclined disciplines (beercarssportsbeercarsspo
Speaking of sex (which i wasn't)... the end bit on Mr and Mrs Smith is dang funny.
Oh yeah that reminds me, for some reason i felt the need to say "fishsticks" when something went wrong the other day and someone laughed... i was like (thinking) "I don't mock your exclamations".
I am heading off now because i just realised i should write some chemisty.
ps. EE's are the biggest stress causer this side of texas, or so it seems, i don't even do IB and im felling the stress of it all.
pps. Must be a relief when its done though.