Signs of Herpes?

Sep 02, 2005 16:20

I saw my sisters post about herpes and it reminded me about this commercial I saw.......

I saw this commercial the other day about Herpes that made me laugh and disturbed all at the same time. Of course it was a commercial about drugs and how people with herpes can now "live life without worrying about their partners." On the contrary, the following quote would suggest the actual sanity of some "partners." Here it is,

"70% of people get herpes from their infected partner even though they don't have any obvious symptoms."

Hello other 30%! What the hell were you thinking! Oh cool I can play connect the dots when I'm done! Hey, sweet tattoos! And the lights out excuse doesn't work either because last time I read up on the std (STD!!!) there are apprently odors that would prompt questions. These people must be lonely, that desperate, or complete yak brains. The only person with an excuse would be the Pinball Wizard from Tommy if he lost his sense of smell.....
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