I never thought of actually searching for a GH community here since I don't usually use my lj account ^^; But I found a bunch of GH websites a long time ago and thought I should share. There's lots of NaruxMai fanarts :3
These are my favorites so far:
[contains mostly reborn! fanart]
Here's other ones:
[Not much here. Just thought I'd like to share since it has a nice bg pic. Pretty sure it's a NaruxMai doujin anthology page.]
[click the images located under "ゴーストハント"]
[there's only two images there, at least I think. Didn't browse through the whole thing. Just click on the links that says "ナル麻衣" Also, check out "渋谷家" at the homepage. Think it's an anthology of some sort, for NaruxMai prob.]
[Click on "■画廊■ ", "■書庫■" (just keep scrolling down. there's usually images after the texts), and "■家宝■ "]
Can't save a picture on a website? Use print screen and paste it on paint or whichever place you can save the picture :3 If you don't know where to go, I'm always here to help ^__^ They're mostly self-explanatory, but ask anyway if you're lost.
& Here's a random picture from one website:
http://blog-imgs-24.fc2.com/t/r/a/transistoridol/asamegh.jpg **Here's a tip**
Can't get enough of the fanarts? Try looking at the artist's diary/blog/memo and clap links. Also, check out their links in general. That's how I found most of them ^__^
This is all I found so far, I may edit this later if I come across any more. Have fun browsing!