Oct 10, 2010 03:14
Howdy friends,
We have something very serial to talk about today. On October 30th, 2010, "South Park: Punch and Pie" will be resuming production! Since the roleplay has become fairly privatized, I'm pretty much abolishing rules and punishment - we know who we are. There will no longer be apps unless we don't know you - ask and ye shall receive. As a result, character controls don't really matter - you can have as many as you want, and not all characters must be active.. The only rules at this point are no godmodding, be active and be kind to other players.
Now of course, Halloween and our first anniversary party are a few weeks away, so until then I'd like to gather a list of players still interested and characters. Characters can be shared between players and so forth as always. I'd also like to note that from now on due to the nature of our role-play and it's focus on humor, continuity isn't going to be taken as seriously - you can make logs that take place before others. But this also means more insane stuff may happen - don't count on Dr. Mephesto always putting his chemicals back in the right place at the right time! ;)
I've got some fun planned so leave a comment and say if you're still interested and who you want. You have priority to characters you had at our last 'closing' but if you wish to give up anyone, please say so.