Jun 02, 2005 17:36
So, I'm back from vacation and back to the daily grind, as they say. School has started..2 classes, grueling: Chemistry, and Spanish! AAGGHHHH!! These are not my classes! I start back at work tomorrow. It's a beautiful day out and I have a feeling that this is going to be a great summer! In a couple weeks, I'm going to Boston for the night with some friends...much needed!!! And then is Nate's big surprise...don't wanna say anything for fear it may get back to him somehow some way. And I just think that overall, it's gonna be a good summer. I hope so anyway ! I had a good night last night hanging out with the pals...even Shiggity came and chilled! Caught a little buzz, always a good thing!! But, I better go study soome Spanish. Hasta la vista!!